Principles for potential leaders
Costa Deir
The proverbial concepts presented in this Principles for Leaders course will keep the mind awake to receive the truth. Features compacted capsules for personal study. Each short, concise statement is easily understood and, due to its brevity, prevents monotony in the learning process. It impacts with rich variety, sometimes on the emotions, other times on the intellect. But, above all, it moves the will in new directions towards greater Christian progress. It leads the personality by force of its illumination into brighter, healthier paths of life. These concepts of truth modify ways of thinking, choosing and acting, always pointing to the
excellence, always moving towards higher and higher levels of maturity in Christ.
The University of the Holy Spirit is open to applicants at all times. Every Christian should be in training, both in a general way, to discover his calling and hidden potential, and more specifically, to develop his potential to the fullest. A potential leader is a person who has latent talents still dormant and who awaits training in order to develop them to full fruition. Preparing today in a leader's life gives him the ability to demonstrate tomorrow. Potential leaders are the most valuable in the Kingdom of God. They are future prospects with excellent quality and caliber to assume tremendous responsibility in the leadership role. His on-the-go training in the discipline of character, administration, and ministry ensures the health, vitality, and effectiveness of the church in its worldwide mission. Inside, the reader will find a wealth of condensed and edifying material to enrich his life for greater productivity in ministry. The course will cover preparation to qualify for leadership, developing progress in the Basic Training period, as well as insights into the influence and effects of leadership, the maturation process and the price of leadership. May God help us develop all the potential that is in us to its fullest extent to be most effective in the Kingdom of God.
1. Walking in the fear of God is the first
prerequisite for leadership.
Philippians chapter 2: verse 12;
and 2nd Samuel chapter 23: verse 3 to 4.
2. No leader can have a real vision of the
God's purpose for his life, until he
know what is in the heart of God. For
To be able to do so you must walk in the fear of God.
Samuel. Chapter 25: verse 14 and chapter 57 verse 2.
3. The relationship of a leader towards God must be the
first divine principle of life, which guarantees the
success of his leadership. Proverbs chapter 3: verse 5 and 6;
Mark chapter 3: verse 14 and 15.
4. The leader who has an awakened sense of
dependence on God, continually makes his
genuine and real relationship with God in your experience
divine. Juan. chapter 15: verse 5;
Psalms chapter 71: verse 6.
5. Blessed is the leader who realizes that
relationship with God must be sealed with a commitment,
whose continuing price will be submission to the Spirit
Holy, so that the principle of the cross may work in your
life. Only to the extent that you are willing to
pay such a price, continually cooperating with the
Holy Spirit, you can expect to strengthen your relationship
with God and change from what is to what should
be. Acts Chapter 1: verse 8; Luke Chapter 9: verse 23, 24.
6. The faster a leader responds to God, the more
soon reveals the strength of his commitment to
relationship to God. The hesitation reveals a struggle of
willpower. John Chapter 3: verse 5;
1st Samuel Chapter 3: verse 19; 19.
7. The closer a leader lives to God, the more
more serious in his relationship, in his walk and in his
service to Him. Psalms chapter 37: verse 23, 24.
8. Just as a river becomes quieter as it flows more
deep, so a leader becomes calmer in his
interior and quieter on the exterior, as it grows in
deepen your relationship with God. Psalms chapter 37: verse 37.
9. When a leader's relationship with God is
right, experience the joy of the Lord within
his soul, making his face radiant, his
sparkling personality and his manners
lovely Still his breath is full of
enthusiasm and exuberance. Psalms chapter 16:
verse 11; Exodus Chapter 34: verse 29.
10. When a leader is out of right relationship
with God, his language and his behavior betray him.
Matthew chapter 12: verse 34, 35.
11. The spiritually hungry leader will experience the reality of God in his daily life
and he has nothing to offer to his followers, but
empty shells. Luke Chapter 15: verse 11-32;
Chapter 4: verse 4; Colossians chapter 3: verse 16.
12. If a leader does not meet God in a
fresh way and humble before Him
daily, does not truly serve God and his
cause. Proverbs chapter 29: verse 1;
Psalms chapter 51: verse 11, 12, 17.
13. The leader who is easily influenced and affected
by his environment rather than influencing it, reveals
internal instability due to a lack of
maintain a correct relationship with God.
John Chapter 10: verse 12;
1st Corinthians chapter 10: verse 1-14.
14. When a leader establishes and maintains a
strong relationship with God, instills within him
complete security in every step you take, and
becomes a challenger of the impossible.
Chapter numbers. 14: verse 24.
15. A leader who maintains his correct relationship with
God by daily communion; try practically
that his experience with the Lord is always fresh and
refreshing to others. Psalms chapter 84: verse 4-7.
16. The life of the leader who lives beyond the veil,
meeting God in a fresh way on a
daily basis, is characterized by brokenness,
contrition, emptiness and a sense of insignificance,
However, he enjoys the outpouring of
fullness of God. Isaiah chapter 57: verse 15
17. A leader can have a great story behind him of
successful achievements, but unless he maintain his
walk daily with God in a relationship
progressively closer, he will find himself on the brink of disaster for resting in the
past. Judges chapter 16: verse 20;
John chapter 15: verse 1-11;
Philippians chapter 3: verse 12-14.
18. Just as a poor sheep cannot carry its
own wool, such is a poor leader who cannot
carry his own responsibilities. He
promptly disqualifies from the leadership role, because
Leadership and responsibility are synonymous.
I Thessalonians chapter 4: verse 14;
II Thessalonians chapter 3: verse 10;
Proverbs chapter 27: verse 23.
19. The leader who is negligent or refuses to take
personal responsibilities or self-discipline
himself is absolutely incapable of disciplining
His Followers. No leader has the right to
place barriers to his people next to which he
himself refuses to remain. There are no leaders
free impulse in the role of true leadership.
Luke chapter 14: verse 25-27, 33.
20. God will never trust a leader with a
greater responsibility to achieve greater things
for his Kingdom if he is not faithful in doing things
small because he considers them unworthy of his
attention. Matthew chapter 25: verse 21;
chapter 25: verse 14-30;
1st Corinthians chapter 4: verse 2.
21. Every responsibility that a follower carries
carried out faithfully until its fulfillment, it is a sign,
without doubt or hesitation, that he is a potential leader.
1st Corinthians chapter 4: verse 2;
Matthew chapter 21: verse 28 ff.
22. An alert and responsible leader does not need
reminders to carry out his tasks,
because he is always at his best capacity.
Proverbs chapter 12: verse 24; Chapter 27: verse 23;
Mark chapter 14: verse 8.
23. An exemplary leader knows that the most valuable gift
to give is his pious example, so that others
continue. II Thessalonians Chapter 3: verse 7-9;
I Timothy chapter 4: verse 12.
24. The example of Christ should be the pattern of life
for every leader, whose greatest quest is to be faithful
under the Shepherd. I Peter chapter 5: verse 1-4.
25. A godly leader knows that being an example is a
way of life, not something extra to wear and
Strive to live the best he can for God
daily. Matthew chapter 5: verse 14-16.
26. The leader who does not express the life of Christ in his
daily walk, it doesn't have much to offer, even
when he is the most eloquent.
Ephesians chapter 5: verses 15, 16;
II Corinthians chapter 4: verses 10 to 11.
27. The role of leadership demands an example of
Christlikeness that others can follow.
Consequently, the leader who is a slave to
destructive habits disqualify oneself as
leader. Romans chapter 6:12, 13, 16, 19, 22;
I Corinthians chapter 9: verse 27.
28. When a leader evaluates eternity in such a way
to invest his life, his time, his talents, his
gifts and his substance in it, begins to live a
life worth following.
II Peter chapter 3: verses 10 to 14.
29. The leader who lives on borrowed talents, money
borrowed and borrowed time, he have no right to
be in the lead and in the long run he must be declared
bankruptcy of his leadership. The sooner the better.
Matthew chapter 25: verses 1 to 13; Romans. Chapter 13: verse 8.
30. The less a leader values time, the more
into a bigger fool. The more he value time,
an older wise man. Time is the most valuable thing
that God offers us in this life to be able
fulfill his will and purpose. Psalms chapter 90: verse 12.
31. Divinely inspired, appropriate planning
and wise in the life of a leader, enables him to
save a lot of time he can, then,
Invest in fulfilling God's will.
Proverbs chapter 24: verses: 3 to 6;
Ephesians chapter 5: verse 16;
Proverbs chapter 24: verses 30 to 34.
32. A leader reveals the depth of his consecration
to God, for the way he handles the money he
God trusts him. Matthew 25:14-30.
33. Some leaders are walking disasters when
money management is reached because they lack
self-discipline. Luke chapter 16: verse 1.
34. A knowledgeable leader knows that God wants him
develop his talents to the fullest
ability, and that points towards the scope of his
full potential diligently and systematically,
accepting the price of discipline to do it
a reality. I Timothy chapter 4: verse 15;
Matthew chapter 25: verses 14 to 30.
35. An excellent leader, with great diligence develops
excellence in his talents, gifts and
abilities that God has given him. A heart
prepared and a prepared mind, coupled with
a prepared will makes excellence in the
leadership. Daniel chapter 5: verse 12 and chapter 6: verse 3.
36. A leader who is unable to manage his wife and
children wisely, is not prepared to handle
people outside their home. I Timothy chapter 3: verses 1 to 5.
37. The greatest testimony of a mature leader comes from
his own family. Psalms chapter 112: verses 1 to 2 and
chapter 128; Proverbs chapter 14: verse 26.
38. The leader who makes Christ Jesus the center of his
marriage will have taste, spark and exuberance
on an ongoing basis, as Jesus Christ changes
continually the water of his daily life in the wine
of spiritual living, where life is enjoyed more
abundant. Psalms chapter 128: verses 1 to 4;
Galatians chapter 5: verse 16; Ephesians chapter 5: verse 2 and 25.
39. The leader whose philosophy of marriage is
consider it a great privilege to faithfully
overwhelm his wife with a love that flows from his
joyful standing in Christ will take away work
tiring and coldness of daily tasks and the
will replace with a continuous renewal of the
atmosphere of love and they will prosper together.
Ephesians chapter 5: verses 25 to 26.
40. A leader negligent with the training of his
own children have no future, nor do his children.
Proverbs chapter 22: verse 6.
41. A leader's home must be the most important
for him. Here he should invest his best efforts
to produce in his children the best of
qualities of God, not depending on the school
to do that, because the school takes the quality
that the home produces as a basis on which
build. So society builds on the
foundation that home, church and school
have established. I Timothy chapter 3: verses 4 and 5.
42. The quality and maturity of the leader determines the
success or failure of an operation.
Josue. chapter 5: verse 13 and chapter 6: verse 5.
43. Unless there is sufficient evidence of maturity
in a candidate, he must not be elected or
considered for the leadership role. Of other
way would be detrimental to him and to the entire
operation. I Timothy chapter 3: verse 1, 2 and 6.
44. A mature leader is governed by divine principles
and by the Spirit of the Lord, instead of by the
changing circumstances and the moods of others.
Romans chapter 8: verses 11 to 14;
Galatians chapter 5: verse 16.
45. The leader who welcomes the dealings of the
Holy Spirit to mature his life, too
he will enjoy the guidance of the Holy Spirit who will save him
of losing the perfect will of God.
Psalms chapter 40: verse 3
John chapter 17: verses 7 to 14.
46. The leader who submits to the Lordship of Christ,
guarantees his own maturity. Phil. 2:9-11.
47. The way a leader overcomes obstacles to
along the path of his achievements, reveals the level of
their maturity and experience. 1°Samuel 17:32 ff.
48. Resistance is one of the great signs of
maturity in leadership. This is the most important factor
savior in his life. Acts chapter 5: verses 40 to 4 and
chapter 14: verses 19 to 20 ff.,
II Corinthians chapter 4: verses 7 to 12.
49. A mature leader accepts responsibility for his
failures instead of denying or justifying them.
2°Samuel chapter 11: verse 2 and chapter 12: verse 14;
Proverbs chapter 28: verse 13.
50. An immature leader is basically irresponsible and
You cannot hold him accountable.
Proverbs chapter 25: verse 19.