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Principles for potential leaders 101-150
Costa Deir

The University of the Holy Spirit is open to applicants at all times. Every Christian should be in training, both in a general way, to discover his calling and hidden potential, and more specifically, to develop his potential to the fullest. A potential leader is a person who has latent talents still dormant and who awaits training in order to develop them to full fruition. Preparing today in a leader's life gives him the ability to demonstrate tomorrow. Potential leaders are the most valuable in the Kingdom of God. They are future prospects with excellent quality and caliber to assume tremendous responsibility in the leadership role. His on-the-go training in the discipline of character, administration, and ministry ensures the health, vitality, and effectiveness of the church in its worldwide mission. Inside here, the reader will find a wealth of condensed and edifying material to enrich his life for greater productivity in ministry.. May God help us develop all the potential that is in us to its fullest extent to be most effective in the Kingdom of God.

101. Supervised training trips for
Alleged leaders precede executive trips
when maturing. Acts 12: verse 24; chapter 13: verse 13 chapter 15: verse 36 to 41.


102. A novice leader has a long way to go,
Before he can enjoy trust and commissions,
Well, he has to walk a proven path.
I Timothy 5: verse 6.


103. Life is not easy for the alleged leader under
training or for the coach, until the
rough edges have been matched to smoothness.
Proverbs 27: verse 17.


104. To drive, one must learn to follow. For
follow, one must be teachable in attitude, humble
of spirit and receptive to discipline, giving the
welcome to the necessary correction. 2nd Chronicles. 7: verse 14;
34: verse 27; Matthew 4: verse 18 to 20; James 3: verse 17 and 18.


105. It is convenient for alleged leaders to be humble,
teachable and receptive to correction, if anything
They must prosper along the way to
reach the height of your calling. Deuteronomy 8: verse 2, 3, 5 and 6;
and verse 11 to 20; James 4: verse 6 to 10.


106. The leader who does not develop growth in humility
on a daily basis is not learning the
first lesson in leadership. Isaiah 57: verse 15.


107. Before a suspected leader can be taught,
must have a teachable and humble spirit, which
guarantees receptivity. Matthew 18: verse 1 to 4; 23: verse 11 and 12.


108. The only leader who makes progress is one who is
teachable and receptive to others. Acts 12: verse 17;
I Peter 5: verse 5 and 6.


109. A teachable leader must have two qualities
about him:
to. Desire to learn and
b. Determination to overcome the obstacles of the

These supply him with great security
against discouragement in the learning process.
Proverbs 4: verse 5, 6, 13, 20-23.


110. Teachability in the novice leader is the door of
entrance to his excellence. Hosea 4: verse 6; James 3: verse 17 and 19.


111. A teachable leader learns by quickly
observance, of the mistakes of others instead of
hoping to learn from his own mistakes who are more
expensive. Proverbs 27: verse 12; chapter 24: verse 32.


112. The receptivity of a novice leader is the entrance to
their progress. Proverbs 8: verse 33 to 35; 10: verse 8.


113. If an apprentice leader progresses toward maturity,
a great truth that he need to know well is
that, while he is in training, he must
be open to correction with a humble spirit and appreciative
attitude. Proverbs 28: verse 14; chapter 29: verse 1;
Psalm 95: verse 8 to 11.


114. Correction to a leader can be medicine
bitter, but produces the sweetness of Christ when
is accepted, digested and assimilated before it is
bring into perfect alignment with the will and
God's purpose for your life. Proverbs 27: verse  and 6;
Hebrews 12: verse 5 to 11.

115. The leader who accepts correction when it is
necessary, rather than resentful; will progress
faster in his leadership and he will gain the trust of
his brothers. Proverbs 9: verse 9 and 10: verse 17.


116. The leader who intensely asks the Lord to treat
with his feelings, reasoning and will
on a daily basis, and brings them into tune with Him,
ensures progress in his walk with God.
Isaiah 55: verse 8 and 9.


117. An intelligent young leader should be
smart enough to realize how young
and inexperienced is, and begin to open to God without
reserve and to more mature leaders so that
can derive what is best in God for his
life. It will certainly be a winner in the long run.
Hebrews 13: verse 17.


118. The wisest among alleged leaders is the one who
Make friends with wise and effective leaders, and learn from
their many years of experience everything that is 
possibly, and preserves what he learns to
share with others. Proverbs 13: verse 20; 20: verse 5 and 22: verse 17 to 21.

119. A presumed leader who has a willing spirit
to learn all he can from the rich storehouse
of those who have proven their role in leadership,
will be greatly enriched and will take strides in
the progress of its development. Proverbs 23: verse 12.

120. The leaders of the future who are emerging in the
horizon, having taken the fortunate step towards
forward, they covet paternal leaders, who have
gone through the battles of life, to learn
valuable lessons that can be of great benefit
importance to them. I Corinthians 4: verse 14 to 17.

121. Unless a leader learns everything he can
possible on a daily basis directly from God  and
indirectly through others, does not have
hope for him to progress in his walk with
God, let alone service to Him. Proverbs 13: verse 10;
28: verse 14.


122. Until a leader progresses in self-discipline, he will not progress in nothing else in his life or
ministry. Psalm 40: verse 7; I Corinthians 9: verse 24 to 27; Hebrews 10: verse 7.


123. Success in every leadership role, regardless of
count the levels, it's not a space miracle
outside as some might suspect, but
due to skill coupled with diligence and
self-discipline. Proverbs 4: verse 23; 11: verse 27; chapter 12: verse 24.


124. Knowledgeable, self-disciplined diligence and
all heart from a leader guarantees success
and brings him fulfillment. Mark 12: verse 29 and 30.


125. The leader who is systematic in his discipline
achieves his purpose, but the leader who is
sporadic always fails, because it resorts to his
feelings to guide him. Joshua 1: verse 8; Luke 21: verse 19;
I Thessalonians 4: verse 4.


126. The leader who translates his good ideas into habits and,
Then, develop them as patterns for his life,
will climb the ladder without many obstacles along
of the road. James 1: verse 22.


127. The self-discipline of a novice leader guides him towards
great achievements. Romans 6:verse 12 and 13; chapter 8: verse 37.


128. A demanding leader or one who chooses the most
select ones, he must pay the highest price himself.
Matthew 13: verse 44, 45.


129. A skilled leader realizes that he cannot use
someone else's brain, but must develop
his own, if he want to be excellent. Proverbs 24: verse 14.


130. Suspected leaders must pay the price
aggregate of self-denial and self-discipline
to supplement their training so that they
will be what they should be. II Timothy 2: verse 3 and 4.


131. Only the leader who is fully convinced
that he has not reached his full potential, he will continue
in seeking the Lord and being diligent to
develop his character and his talents given by
God. Philippians 3: verse 12 to 15.

132. A leader who exercises self-denial coupled with
self-discipline while receiving direction from the
Holy Spirit to fulfill the will of God,
will be great in the Kingdom of God, because God trusts
much to those of such quality. Luke 9:23 to 26;
I Corinthians 9: verse 24 to 27.


133. The leader who is willing to pay the highest price
great in self-denial and self-discipline, will be the
first to be at the forefront. Acts 9: verse 16;
II Corinthians 11: verse 23 to 28.


134. Every presumed leader should know how to have
control over his actions and how to control his
reactions, if he is to progress in the process of his
development. Luke 23: verse 34 to 46.

135. An alleged leader who takes discipline
delightfully, without regard for their
feelings, will grow very quickly and will have a
bright future in the leadership role.
Acts 16: verse 23 to 25.


136. A submissive leader knows well that Christ does not become
Lord only by saying “He is Lord”, but by
submission to His revealed will on a
daily and enjoys his walk with God. Genesis 5: verse 22 and 24;
6: verse 9.


137. A potential leader whose goal is to obey God
in big things to do big things,
must of necessity begin to obey God in
the little things that really matter in your
training for greatness. Psalm 40: verse 7; Hebrews 10: verse 7.


138. The alleged leader who has a submissive spirit
progresses faster in growth
become what God wants him to be.
1st Kings 19: verse 19 to 21; Luke 2: verse 51 to  52; James 4: verse 6 to 10.

139. Voluntary submission on the part of the alleged
leaders make their training a joy for
them and for their leaders, and things move
softly and sweetly. Hebrews 13: verse 17.


140. The potential leader who learns to submit to
authority over him, he will exercise appropriate authority
when your turn comes. Matthew 8: verse 5 to 13.

141. The leader who makes gratitude a part of his
daily living, enjoy life the best and it is never
tempted to take God, people or
blessings as a concession. Ephesians 5: verse 17 to 20.

142. When a leader is grateful to God for the
sufferings and resurrection of Jesus Christ,
dedicates himself completely and without reservation and
pay the price in cash on a daily basis
to walk with Him. II Corinthians 12: verse 1 to 10.


143. A potential leader can only be helped,
when he receives the necessary help with a heart
grateful and a spirit of appreciation. Psalm 141: verse 5.


144. Before an alleged leader can have the
hope to take leaps and bounds to win the
trust of others, especially their
superiors, he needs to prove himself respectable,
Appreciative of your help and receptive to correction
from them. Ephesians 5: verse 20 to 21.


145. A leader who has a grateful heart towards
grace of God, who raised him from the miry clay
to a place of correct relationship towards the Father, arrives
to be a lifter in the long run. II Corinthians 1: verse 3 to 7.


146. The respectability of a novice leader guides him towards
acceptance, without the laborious and exhaustive task of
try to prove yourself in many other ways.
I Timothy 4: verse 12.


147. A confident leader does not resort to buffoonery and jokes and

light comments in order to entertain others
to find a place in their hearts, because
He knows that by doing so, he would lose their respect.
Ephesians 5: verse 1-4.


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