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Águila volando

 “As the eagle awakens from its nest, it flutters over its chicks, spreads its wings,


He takes them, he carries them on his feathers: Jehovah only guided him and there was no other god with Him." 



  “God, having spoken many times and in many ways in time past to the fathers by the prophets” (Heb. 1:1). According to the text, God has spoken in many ways. That is why we find that: “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the expanse declares the work of his hands” (Ps. 19:1). The Lord Jesus Christ used parables when preaching and in them, his teaching is found through figures. Christ spoke about the fig trees, the planting, the birds, the clouds, the foxes, the pigs, and the dogs; and near the end of his ministry, he taught riding on a colt. Now, let's think about what God taught us through the eagles. “As an eagle wakes up from its nest, it hovers over its chicks, spreads its wings, takes them, carries them on its feathers: Jehovah alone guided him because there was no other god with Him” (Deut. 32:11-12). The passage talks about what God has done with his people, let's observe this: “Like the eagle” (v. 11a.), thus: “Jehovah” (v. 12a). Then a simile is established, Jehovah acted like an eagle, if Jehovah is like a great Eagle, his people, his children, are like the eaglets of that eagle.



Unclean animal.

In Leviticus 11:13, the eagle is on the list of unclean animals. How is it possible then that it could be a figure of our Lord?

II Corinthians 5:21 says, “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” Christ never knew sin, God made him sin. Let us note that he does not say that he sinned, but that he was made himself sin. Sin is hateful and unclean to God. At the moment Christ accomplished our redemption, His perfect nature was exchanged for “our sinful nature.” It was necessary to deal not only with the sins by forgiving them and erasing them, but with the cause, with the principle, with the “sin” that was what caused the sins. Man is not a sinner because he commits sins, but he commits sins because he is a sinner. God needed to destroy that “sinful nature” and that is when Christ became unclean, like the eagle “so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”







The eagle room

“Does the eagle soar at your commandment and lift up its nest? She lives and is in the stone, at the top of the crag and the rock. From there the food stalks: its eyes observe from far away. His chickens suck the blood: and where there are carcasses, there it is” (Job 39:30-33).


When the eagle selects the place where it places its nest: it looks for a very high place in the mountains, a rock that cannot be approached without it noticing. In this way, the eagle and its eaglets have great security. The Christian who is like an eagle has to live in very high places, in heavenly places. The eagle cannot live in low and swampy places. Likewise, the mud of sin and the baseness of evil are not for the habitation of Christians. Let us remember: “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on earth” (Col.3:1-2). The text of Job 39 also mentions that the eagle lives on a rock. For God's people, there is a Rock where they can dwell and this Rock is Christ. (I Cor. 10:4 and 2 Sam. 22:2). Let us note that the eagle “dwells” in the rock, so permanence in Christ is necessary. “He who is (remains) in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).



The Rock gives protection to the eagle,  in John 10:27, 28 says: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give them eternal life and they will not perish forever, nor will anyone snatch them out of my hand.” In Colossians 3:3 it says, “Your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Once the eagle finds the appropriate site, it begins to build its nest. It is first formed with branches that give structure to the nest, then it uses smaller twigs that fill the gaps, then it covers it with moss and when it has this, it interweaves thorns and finally covers the inside of the nest with moss again. This is a figure of some local churches. In them are the brothers who are the structure of the church, others who are an important complement to shape the church, some are like thorns and who always seem to be hurting others, but others are like moss, they are soft, they prevent injuries to others and they give warmth. The eagle builds the nest and lays its eggs. Some species lay exactly seven eggs each time. Seven is a number that indicates perfection. God is going to raise one day a people who will not lack any of those He has chosen “Having predestined us to be adopted as sons of Jesus Christ himself, according to the pure pleasure of His will” (Eph. 1:5).


The text of Job indicates two more things that the eagle does from its nest in the rock: “From there: it stalks the food, its eyes observe from far away.” The eagle plays an important role in the fields, as it cleans them of vermin and, among other things, kills snakes. But before launching its attacks, it prepares them from its nest in the rock. It is necessary to understand the great importance that local churches have in the formation of Christians. Certain believers, and even some who consider themselves ministers, are not subject to any local church nor to any spiritual authority without realizing that this is not the will of God.

They go from place to place without settling anywhere and without subjecting themselves to anyone. Exposing themselves to making mistakes and giving free rein to their vanity and pride makes them think that they are superior to others or that they simply do not need them. It is in local churches where believers must mature and acquire preparation for ministry. It is “from there that the prey must be stalked.” It is “from there” that one must depart for the ministry (Acts 13:1-4).

When you are in a local church that moves according to divine order, believers and developing ministries will gain “vision.” The great speed and power of vision is a very marked characteristic of eagles. In today's average Christianity, there are not many who look as God looks and in many cases, this is because there is a lack of establishment in the “Rock” that is Christ, and in a local church that walks according to divine ordinances.



The food of the eagle.

“He who satisfies your mouth with good so that you may be rejuvenated like an eagle” (Ps. 103:5). Naturalists say that the eagle's favourite foods are lambs and honey. It is known that the best and cleanest meat is lamb meat. In John 1:29, John the Baptist comes announcing: “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” In Job 39:33 it shows that the eagle chicks “suck the blood.” John 6:53-54 says, “And Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless you eat of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you will have no life in you. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life: and I will raise him up on the last day.” Regarding honey, the Word of God says: “How sweet are your words to my taste! More than honey to my mouth". There are then as basic foods of the Christian the flesh of the Lamb of God, the blood of Christ and the Word of God. At this point let's notice something very interesting. The eagle with this type of diet will not die of old age. Its diet is of such quality that it will cause rejuvenation in the eagle. The Christian has a promise from God: “He who believes in the Son has eternal life” (John 3:36).

Why do eagles die? They die of hunger. As the years go by, its beak grows and curves, it curves more and more until it can no longer tear the flesh. He can't eat, so he dies.

Sometimes something noticeable happens. When the eagle's partner observes that its beak is curved and that it cannot eat; He looks for and selects the best piece, kills and after killing he chooses the best piece, the most succulent, he takes it and puts it in front of and very close to the old eagle. The eagle perceives the smell and begins to get excited, until a moment that reaches desperation. At that moment it approaches the rock and begins to scratch its beak anxiously until it loses its curve. The eagle thus eats again and is ready to live thirty more years, until its beak curves again.

When someone is fallen, let us bring the appropriate portion, and then the Lord's will be fulfilled: "Lift up your fallen hands and your paralyzed knees... so that what is lame does not get out of the way, but rather be healed." (Heb. 12:12,13). “Brother, if anyone is caught in any fault, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; Consider yourself, lest you also be tempted. Bear each other's burdens, and thus fulfil the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:1-2). We Christians like to hear about Christ's blessing, Christ's forgiving, Christ's healing, Christ liberating, and Christ's anointing, how nice! How beautiful! So we sing, we rejoice.

However, let's look at this: “For the Lord punishes whom he loves, and he scourges anyone whom he accepts as a son. If you suffer the punishment, God presents himself to you as children; For what son is he whom the father does not punish?" (Heb. 12:6,7).
Thus we realize that there will come times when our beak needs to be scraped on the Rock and the Rock is Christ: Glory to God! This is going to take away the “weakness” from us. This is why God is not only blessing us at the level that pleases the common man, but He is working, so that we may be “in His likeness.”

When the chicks are very small, the mother eagle feeds and drinks them in her beak. Give water and bits of food in the exact amount the eaglet needs. Not a little more, not a little less.

Thus ministers must feed children in Christ, in the exact way. Paul told the Hebrews that he could not explain everything to them, because: “The firm food is for the perfect” (Heb. 5:14). Solid food is for those who have reached maturity.

May God raise up ministers with wisdom to feed His people! Ministers do not harm by giving more, but neither do they weaken the people by giving less than the necessary measure. “For I have not shied away from announcing to you the whole counsel of God.” (Acts 20:27). “He who satisfies your mouth with good so that you become young like an eagle” (Ps. 103:5). Every year there comes a certain time when the eagle's feathers begin to fall and then new ones grow that will be its clothing for the coming year. Thus the eagle rejuvenates every year.

The Bible says about Christians: “Therefore we do not faint: but although our outward man is wasting away, our inward man is being renewed day by day” (II Cor. 4:16).



The flight of the Eagle.

“As an eagle wakes up its brood, it hovers over its chicks, it spreads its wings, it takes them, it carries them on its feathers,” (Deut. 32:11) “You saw what I did to the Egyptians, and how I took you on its wings.” of eagles, and have brought you to me” (Ex. 19:4). At a certain age of the eaglets, the eagle begins to hover over them, pressuring them to leave the nest. When they begin to leave, the mother eagle positions herself in such a way that the eaglets will climb onto her wings; Immediately afterwards the eagle begins its flight carrying its chicks.

At a certain height, the eagle removes itself from under the chicks, and they will find themselves in the air without someone to hold them. They descend, they descend and the eaglets have a great scare, but at an appropriate height the mother eagle will position itself once again under them, will support them and will rise again. This operation will be repeated until the babies realize that they have wings and are used to fly.

God wants to carry out a similar work in Christians. He wants to have adult believers, mature children, children who know how to fly.

In the life of Christians, trials, struggles, difficult situations will appear, but: “God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear, but will also provide a way out along with the temptation, so that be able to endure” (I Cor. 10:13). There are times when it seems like we are alone, but the right time will come, God will always sustain his people. God loves children very much in Christ, but he wants them to grow, to develop, to be mature as Christians, to know how to deal with various situations, adversities, temptations, and problems. God desires Christians who know how to fly.

God's Word says that Christians are to go from faith to faith, from grace to grace, from power to power, and from glory to glory. Hallelujah!

When a great storm approaches, the eagle takes its chicks and takes flight, taking altitude, until it arrives above the clouds that are pouring down the storm. Below, there are the lightning, the rays, the water, the roar. Above the eagle is flying calmly. By teaching Christians to fly. God is teaching them in the time of the storm, to be at rest, to be calm, above the storm, flying very high, dwelling in heavenly places.


The effort of the eagle.

“But those who wait for the Lord will have new strength; They will lift up their wings like eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not be weary” (Isa. 40:31). There is a special characteristic in eagles: on their wings, they have a series of pouches, one after another, along the entire wing. As the wings spread, the bags fall, the wind penetrates them, and this drives the eagle's flight. The eagle is one of the birds that flies the highest and fastest. But he doesn't do it with great effort. It flaps its wings a few times when it starts flying, and immediately looks for an air current. When it finds one, it spreads its wings, the bags fall, and it receives the impulse of the wind.

Look for another air current and repeat the operation. It does so successively, flying higher and faster each time. Thus we see that the eagle flies so high and so fast because it takes advantage of the force of the wind. This is a lesson

In John 3:6-8, Acts 2:1-4, and other passages, the wind can be seen as a type of the Holy Spirit. The Christians who fly highest are not those who make great personal efforts in their lives, but those who are driven, moved and lifted by the Holy Spirit. These are those who have learned to place themselves in the current of the Spirit and once there extend the wings, rest and allow the Holy Spirit to move them.

They do not know where they are going, but they submit to the leading of the Spirit. The key is to “rest” and let the Spirit penetrate “our little bags.” He will take us high, very high. Let us remember that it is not our capacity or personality, nor the ability that we develop, but the power of the Holy Spirit that counts.

Regarding the speed of flight of the eagle, there is something to mention directly. Christians must be prompt in fulfilling the will of God. “In caring not lazy; burning in spirit serving the Lord” (Rom. 12:1).



The meeting of the eagles.

“For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. For wherever the dead body is, there the eagles will gather” (Mt. 24:27,28).
A glorious day is coming when Christ will descend from the clouds, the dead in Christ will rise first, and then we who are alive, together with them, will be caught up in the air to be there forever with the Lord. Wherever the Lord is, there the eagles will gather. Hallelujah! Yes, the meeting is with the Lord. Why does the text refer to “the dead body”? The Word of God shows that the redemptive sacrifice made by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross; It was something that was in the mind of God before the foundation of the world.

God spoke about it in the law and in the prophets. It was historically fulfilled almost 2000 years ago on the Mount of the Skull and since then it has been preached to this day. But it is also a topic of the future. The Bible in Revelation 5:6 says: And I looked: and behold, amid the throne, and of the four beasts, and amid the elders. There was a Lamb as if slain.”

The “Slain Lamb” is also mentioned in verses 8, 9, 12 and 13. This is because the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ is a matter of the past, the present, the future and all eternity, before the eyes of God. .
Our heart trembles with emotion knowing that one day we will be not only eaglets but great eagles, who will fly to meet the Lord.

We will see the “Slain Lamb”, we will bow down and say to him: “You are worthy to take power and riches and wisdom and strength, and honour and glory and praise” Hallelujah!

At this time the Holy Spirit is beginning to blow, and more and more intensely. Brother, will you receive the breath of the Spirit? Spread your wings, and let the Holy Spirit fill your entire being. He's going to pick you up and move you. He can do it and He wants to do it. Remember that there are no Christians who rise as high as those who are moved by the Spirit. It is ready because “the strong wind” is coming that will lift the Church. Be an eagle that stands before the slain Lamb, and your mouth be filled with this praise:

“To him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, forever and ever” (Rev. 5:13). Amen!


Like all birds of prey, eagles have a large, powerful and pointed beak to remove the flesh of their prey. They also have powerful claws and shanks. The strength of eagles is also striking, allowing them to lift prey much heavier than themselves into flight. In addition, they have extremely keen eyesight that allows them to see potential prey from a distance. For example, the golden eagle has two focal points in its eyes, one to look straight ahead and the other to locate its gaze to the sides, scanning into the distance.
The eagle is one of the largest and most powerful birds of prey. Soaring above the earth, spying on its prey with its keen eyes, the eagle presents a majestic panorama. Eagles are characterized by their powerful set of eyes. Even though their eyes are slightly larger than human eyes, they can see up to 3 ½ times better than a person with perfect vision. An eagle can see a moving rabbit more than a mile away, and can see a fellow eagle soaring 50 miles away.
There are several species of eagles, differing in size, appearance and habits. But all eagles have large, strong beaks and powerful talons. The bird usually builds its nest in a remote location, such as a high cliff where it cannot be disturbed.
Eagles are animals that generally will only have one partner in their entire life, unless they die earlier than normal, so they would look for another partner during the next mating season. The female eagle usually lays an average of two or three eggs, although only one of these usually hatches. The reason for this is that when the first chick is born, it is the one that will be fed first, and when the second has hatched, the first-born has grown larger and become stronger, taking away all the food and life expectancy of the chick. rest.
The incubation period will also vary, since the larger the eagle, the longer this process will last. Once they have left, both the father and the mother will take care of their young for a period of no more than half a year, in which they are seen flying or hunting alone, at which time they decide to leave the parental nest to start. a new life, although close to these.



Lays 2 to 3 eggs. This bird is carnivorous.
Majestic, stealthy, fast, intelligent and skilful: if the sea belongs to the sharks and the savannah to the lions, the hegemony of the kingdom of heaven belongs to the eagles. Belonging to the Accipitridae family, these types of birds fly over the skies all over the world except the Antarctic. Predators par excellence, these birds are fearsome birds of prey. They have a strong and robust beak with a downward pointed tip that makes it easier for them to separate the pieces of meat from their victims. They also have an extraordinary sense of sight with which they can spot their prey from great distances and, in addition, their powerful and robust claws allow them to catch animals larger than themselves and transport them through the air.
The bird in the current Mexican coat of arms has been identified as the so-called royal eagle or also called caudal eagle with the scientific name Aquila chrysaetos, from Latin: aquila, "eagle" and from Greek: χρυσός, "golden" and ἀετός, "eagle ", which is a species of accipitriform bird of the family Accipitridae. It is one of the best-known and most widely distributed birds of prey on Earth. They live in much of North America, Eurasia and northern Africa. It is an endangered species since it has disappeared or its population is declining in many areas of Europe and North America.23
In 1960, after compiling several notes by Mexican ornithologist Rafael Martín del Campo, it was reported that he questioned the identification of the bird on the shield as a golden eagle. After years of studying pre-Hispanic representations of the so-called pre-Hispanic shields, he identified the bird as the cheriway caracara or "Mexican bearded vulture", a common species in Mexico (so naming it "eagle" is incorrect, since the caracara is a type of falcon). Either way, the golden eagle is considered the Mexican eagle for official purposes.


(heb. né·scher; arameo, neschár; gr. a·e·tós).
A large bird of prey. Some maintain that the Hebrew name is derived from a root meaning “to break into pieces; lacerate", while others consider it onomatopoeic (that is, a name whose sound imitates that which it designates), and believe that né·scher represents a "sound of wind" or "shining flash", that is, a bird that It dives toward its prey, falling vertically with a sound of wind, like a flash of lightning through the air. In any case, the Hebrew term describes the eagle, whose fall from great heights, like lightning, causes a whistle as its extended rowing feathers quickly pass through the air. The eagle, a bird of prey and blood drinker (Job 39:27, 30), was included among the birds that the Mosaic law considered “unclean.” (Luke 11:13; Deut 14:12)
Varieties of Palestine. Among the eagles currently found in Israel are: the imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca), the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaëtos) and the short-toed eagle (Circaëtus gallicus). The golden eagle, also known as the golden eagle due to the brilliant golden reflections on its head and neck, is an impressive dark brown bird that measures approximately one meter in length and has a wingspan of about two meters. Eagles are distinguished by having a fairly wide head, with a projection that projects above the eyes, a short and strong hooked beak, robust legs and powerful, sharp claws.
‘Carried on eagle’s wings’: what basis is there for this figure of speech?
In the Sinai region, called the “eagle zone,” these birds soar and glide with their strong, wide wings. Therefore, the liberated Israelites who were gathered at Mount Sinai could well appreciate the appropriateness of the picture conveyed by God's words that they had been brought out of Egypt “on the wings of eagles.” (Ex 19:4; compare Rev 12:14) Nearly forty years later, Moses compared Jehovah’s way of leading Israel through the wilderness to that of an eagle “stirring its nest, hovering over its chicks, spreading its wings.” wings, he takes them, he carries them on his feathers.” (Deut 32:9-12) When the time comes for the eaglets to begin flying, the father or mother flaps his wings to encourage them to do the same and then sends them out of the nest to test their wings.
Although some have questioned whether the eagle ever carried its offspring on its back, Sir W. B. Thomas presents the testimony of a guide from Scotland who says, speaking of the golden eagle, that "the parents, after urging and sometimes pushing the eaglet into the void, they swoop down until they are below it and let the neophyte perch for a moment on its back and wings." (The Yeoman's England, London, 1934, p. 135.) An observer from the United States is quoted in the Bulletin of the Smithsonian Institution (1937, no. 167, p. 302) as saying: “The mother began in the nest, which was located at the top of the rocks. He would grab the eaglet roughly, let it fall—I would say about ninety feet [30 m.]—and then swoop down until he was under it, with its wings outstretched so that it would perch on its back. The eagle would then soar to the top of the mountain range with the eaglet and repeat the process. […] My father and I watched it, fascinated, for more than an hour.” G. R. Driver says the following about these statements when commenting: “The picture [of Deuteronomy 32:11] is therefore not a mere fantastical flight, but is based on reality.” (Palestine Exploration Quarterly, London, 1958, pp. 56, 57.)
Nesting at heights and visual acuity. In the questions God asks Job in Job 39:27-30, the habits of the eagle when building its nest are highlighted. The nest may be in a tall tree or on the bluff of a cliff or rocky canyon. Over the years, it can reach 2 m. tall and, in some cases, weigh up to 900 kg. The prophets, in their messages against the lofty kingdom of Edom, in the steep mountains of the Arabah region (Jer 49:16; Abd 3, 4), also used figuratively the apparent safety and inaccessibility of the eagle's nest.


Rutherford Platt, en su libro The River of Life (1956, págs. 215, 216), confirms the eagle's far-sightedness, mentioned in Job 39:29. It also displays the unusual design of the eagle's eye, testimony to the wisdom of the Creator. The book says:
“We find the champion eyes of the entire animal kingdom [...] [in] the eyes of the eagle, the vulture and the falcon. They are so penetrating that they can look down from a thousand feet [300 m.] in the air and locate a rabbit or partridge half hidden in the grass.
”The sharp vision of the hunting eye is due to the projection of the object's reflection onto a dense group of pointed, conical cells. This tiny cluster at the bottom of the eyeball absorbs light rays from the object through thousands of points, transmitting a clear image to the brain. For almost all hunters, such as the skunk, the puma and ourselves, a single point of cones is sufficient, because when looking ahead we approach the object of our gaze in a straight line. But this is not the case in the case of the eagle or the falcon; These can dive from afar when spotting the rabbit in the grass thanks to the sharp focus of the cones of their eyes. This drop causes the target image to move along a curved line at the bottom of the eyeball. This image shift has been planned precisely for the eagle's eye so that it has the cones in a curved line instead of grouped at a point. For this reason, when it dives, the eagle constantly keeps the rabbit in the grass in focus.” (Compare Jer 49:22.)



The flight of the Eagle.

The speed of the eagle is highlighted in many texts. (2Sa 1:23; Jer 4:13; Lam 4:19; Hab 1:8.) There are records of eagles that have exceeded the speed of 130 km per hour. Solomon warned that wealth “makes for itself wings” like those of an eagle flying toward the sky (Pr 23:4, 5), while Job lamented the rapidity with which life passes, comparing it to the speed of life. of an eagle in search of prey. (Job 9:25, 26) However, those who trust in Jehovah are empowered to move forward, just as if they soared on the seemingly tireless wings of a soaring eagle. (Isa 40:31)
Modern scientists, like the writer of Proverbs 30:19, have marvelled at “the way of the eagle in the heavens.” Clarence D. Cone, Jr., explains that the observation of eagles, hawks and vultures, which soar with majesty and almost effortless, “has helped point the way to the discovery of a fundamental mechanism of meteorology.” Describes how these large birds take full advantage of the dynamic force of large “bubbles” of hot air rising from the earth due to the heat of the Sun and how the “ribbed” tips of the eagle's wings are aerodynamically designed to eliminate the air resistance on the wing. (Scientific American, April 1962, pp. 131, 138.)




Figurative use.


This powerful bird of prey was a symbol frequently used by prophets to represent the warlike forces of enemy nations in their sudden and often unexpected attacks. (Deut 28:49-51; Jer 48:40; 49:22; Hos 8:1) Babylonian and Egyptian rulers were depicted as eagles. (Eze 17:3, 7) It is notable that in many ancient nations, such as Assyria, Persia, and Rome, the figure of the eagle was frequently used on royal sceptres, banners, and stelae, as it has also been in modern times. used Germany, the United States and other nations.
Some have questioned the use of the word “eagles” in Matthew 24:28 and Luke 17:37, and think that these texts must refer rather to vultures gathering around a corpse. However, while the eagle does not primarily feed on carrion, like the vulture, it does sometimes eat carcasses. (Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 1955, p. 9) It is also known that although the eagle usually hunts alone, unlike the vulture, which is gregarious, it occasionally hunts in pairs. The book The Animal Kingdom (ed. by F. Drimmer, 1954, vol. 2, p. 965) reports an occasion when “several of them jumped together on a pronghorn [American antelope].” The above prophecy of Jesus was given in connection with his promised “presence,” so it did not apply only to the desolation in 70 C.E. of the Jewish nation by the Roman armies, with their banners emblazoned with eagle figures.
In Revelation, eagles are used to represent the creatures that attend to the throne of God and announce messages of divine judgment to the inhabitants of the Earth. They are represented as eagles, probably to highlight their speed and clairvoyance. (Rev 4:7;8:13; compare Eze 1:10; 10:14.)



Another text that for many scholars applies to the vulture rather than the eagle is Micah 1:16, where it says, figuratively, that Israel 'expands its baldness like that of the eagle'. The head of the eagle is well covered with feathers, including that of the “white-headed eagle” or “bald eagle” of North America, which, due to the white feathers on its head, gives the impression of being bald from a distance. The griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus), still seen in Israel, has only a bit of soft white down on its head and its neck is sparsely covered with feathers. If the mentioned text applies to the vulture, it would indicate that the Hebrew word né·scher has a broader application. It can be seen that, although ornithologists do not classify the griffon vulture within the same “genus” as the eagle, they do count it as belonging to the same “family” (Accipitridae). However, some believe that Micah 1:16 refers to the moulting that the eagle experiences, although this is said to be a fairly gradual and almost imperceptible process. On the other hand, this shedding process, which reduces activity and strength somewhat and is followed by a return to normal life, maybe what the psalmist was referring to when he spoke of one's youth “being renewed as that of an eagle.” (Ps 103:5) Others see in these words an allusion to the relatively long life of the eagle, some known to have reached eighty years.
The Latin name Aquila (Acts 18:2) means “eagle.”



The Eagles.
Heh. 1:1 God speaks through animals.
The Lord appears as a great eagle and we as his brood. Deut. 32:11.

1.    The eagle is on the list of unclean animals. As? Our Lord Jesus Christ. II Cor. 5:21. The cross.

2.    No one can approach the eagle's nest without being noticed. Job 39:30, 27.

3.    High places. Col. 3:1. The rock, Christ Jesus.

4.    The eagle cleans, purifies the fields.

5.    Mated eagles never change partners.

6. They almost always lay seven eggs. Talk about predestination.

7.    Does not change nest. It hatches its eggs.

8.    Mother eagle looks for the exact food. Lamb meat, Jesus Christ. Honey is a type of the Word of God. Water is a type of the Holy Spirit. The blood represents the blood of Christ.

9.    Eagles do not die of old age, but of hunger. Ps. 103:5. The beak becomes curved and it cannot eat. The participation of Christ, the renewal.

10.    Eagles change their feathers every year.

11.    Eagles break their beaks on the rock. His partner brings him a juicy prey, to affect his sense of smell. Eagles live one to two hundred years. Ga. 6:1.

12.    Have a vision of God. Job 39:27-29. Eagles eat in their nest, they learn to look in their nest. Learning in the church.

13.    The nest. The long sticks are the ministries. Aid and governorships are short rods. The moss is the layer of love. There are thorns and also moss. The selected food.

14.    The fluttering. Deut. 32:11. Chicks learn to fly. The fruit of the Spirit. The moss is removed and the thorns appear. Making us live in our authority.

15.    The air bags under the wings. Jn. 3; Acts. 2. The wind is the Holy Spirit. Quick in fulfilling God's will. The gifts of the Holy Spirit. The storms are beneath them.

16.    Mt. 24:27. The coming of Christ, the rapture. The dead body, the cross. The eagles are the winners.

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