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Las bodas del Cordero

Soon the most important event in history will occur. All heaven is waiting. The wedding between the Bride and the Groom will take place in heaven. However, how many active Christians whose lives reflect this hope will participate in this climax?

The Marriage Feast of the Lamb.

By  Roberto Ewing.

Imagine if everyone was excited about the long-awaited wedding of a prince and his bride. In the great cathedral, there is a sound that seems to be the heavenly bells. The world's most important dignitaries are invited. The most glorious wedding preparation in history is underway. Finally, we find ourselves among the guests. There, the groom gets up to wait for the bride. Everyone has their best clothes. Suddenly, to the astonishment of many, a dirty, unclothed woman limps blindly down the aisle toward the altar. In horror, the ushers run towards her to get her out. She resists them. “They can't do this to me,” he says firmly. “I am the bride.”

We would say to this: “How ridiculous.” However, we have told ourselves that the entire church, prepared or not, will be the glorious bride of Christ, this sounds ridiculous to God. Because his accusation against the Laodicean church is that they are “blind, naked and miserable” and must go through the fire. Their eyes must be anointed with eyewash and they need cleansing, white garments to adorn themselves.

We will see several figures from the wedding feast of the Lamb. Each one will be like a piece of the puzzle that when put together will reveal the whole picture, that of the last seven years on earth. When Esther was made queen, the festival lasted seven days. This was often the case at ancient wedding feasts. One day usually represents one year. God will not have a brief celebration, a quick feast for the marriage of the Lamb. Some mistakenly think that after the rapture they will return to earth in a short time. We will see that the rapture of the bride will begin with a seven-year wedding celebration before the saints return with Christ at Armageddon.

When Daniel saw the last days in vision, he spoke of the climax of time, before God established the government in the Millennium. He speaks of a “prince” who will make a seven-year covenant with which Israel will be deceived. The prince will break this covenant (which includes the construction of the false temple) in the middle of the 7 years. Then, he will declare himself to be God. This marks two periods of 3 and a half years. The second is the time of God's wrath known as “the day of the Lord.” Since God has declared that He has not appointed His people to His wrath, this means that the entire church must be in heaven before His wrath is poured out.

“let judgment begin from the house of God” I Pet. 4:17. However, Paul tells us “that if we examined ourselves, we would certainly not be judged.


But being judged, we are punished by the Lord, so that we will not be condemned with the world.”


I Cor. 11:31,32. This confirms that although the judgment of the house of God, the church, must come before the judgment of the world, nevertheless, there are Christians who judge themselves and, therefore, will not be in the time of the judgment of the general church. There are at least 12 clear descriptions of these two types of Christians in the Word.
The first of these descriptions is between the general church, the Body of Christ, and those who are in their first love, who are called the “bride.” “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory; for the marriage of the Lamb is coming, and his wife has made herself ready.” As? “And it was given to him to be clothed in fine linen, clean and bright: for fine linen is the justification of the saints.” Every Christian in their first love has been maintained but not all Christians continue in that love. In such a way that Paul warns us in II Corinthians 11:3 when he compares Eve's deception with that of the church today.

This records why there are many conditional references to the coming of Christ. Not only are there two, but, in fact, there are three phases of the second coming of Christ. The first is Him coming “like a thief” for their jewels. This is at the beginning of the last seven years. “And those who were prepared went with him to the wedding, and the door was closed.” The next two phases of Christ's coming are visible to all, in the middle of the seven years and at the end.


In the middle of the seven years, He will come for the church at large; and in the end, He will come at Armageddon to establish His millennial kingdom.
The first coming of Christ will be sudden: “For as the lightning comes out of the east and flashes to the west, so also will be the coming of the Son of man.” The following verse has been affected by its translation in some versions. “For wherever the dead body is, there the eagles will gather.” According to Luke 17:37, “corpse” is translated as “body.” The context speaks of the rush of the faithful to meet the Lamb that was slain, in the air, and that is where the eagles (not the vultures) will gather. It is similar to the figure in Revelation 5 where once again God's faithful gather around the “Lamb that was slain.”


However, we can see that there is a tribulation period that follows immediately after the first secret phase of the “rapture.” It will end when the sun and the moon go dark. Then, in the middle of the 7 years, we read that there will be the visible sign of the Son of Man appearing in heaven, coming in the clouds with great glory. “And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet voice, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” Here we see the second phase of the rapture of the children of God.


In other words, in the harvest in the Middle East, there were the firstfruits and then the harvest in general. In Revelation 12 it talks about a sign in heaven that is a woman. (Since Israel is not a celestial entity, it is obviously talking about the Church.) She gives birth to a son who will rule all nations with a rod of iron, whose promise is given to the victors. Who is snatched from the throne? Since the throne is on Mount Zion, it is obvious that the same group seen in Revelation 14:1, who are with the lamb, stand on Mount Zion. These are called the “first fruits to God and to the lamb.” They sing a song that no one can learn but them. (The wife has a right to sing to her beloved that no one can sing it except her).


Next, we see Christ coming on a white cloud with a sharp sickle. Once again, a greater harvest rises that has won victory over the antichrist and stands in the court (for the sea of ​​glass is reminiscent of the sea of ​​“brass” in the court of Solomon's temple). They also sing a song because there is a festival during the harvest. However, her song does not have the intimacy that characterizes the wife's heart.
Index of the prophetic figures of the marriage party:

1.     a.     La fiesta de bodas de Jacob. Gn. 29:22, 27.
   b.     La fiesta de Moisés, Aarón y los líderes delante de Dios en el monte. Éx. 24:11.

2.    Las dos fiestas en Rut.
   a.     Rut 2:14.
   b.     Rut 3:7.

3.    Las cuatro fiestas en Ester.
   a.     Ester 2:18.
   b.     Ester 5:4.
   c.     Ester 7:2.
   d.     Ester 9:22.

4.     a.     Salmo 45. Salmo de boda.
   b.     Cantares 1:12.
   c.     Cantares 2:4.
   d.     Cantares 5:1.

5.    a.     1° Crónicas 16:3; 1° Samuel 21:6.; 1° Crónicas 29:22.
   b.     Isaías 25:6.

6A.    a.     Juan 2:1.
   b.     Mateo 9:10, 15.

6B.    a.     Lucas 7:36.
   b.     Lucas 10:39.
   c.     Lucas 12:36; 13:25-29; 17:8.
   d.     Lucas 14:1, 13.
   e.     Lucas 14:16.

6C.    a.     Mateo 22:2.
   b.     Mateo 25:1.

7A.    a.     Juan 12:2.
   b.     Mateo 26:7.

7B.    a.     Juan 13:2.

7C.    a.     Mateo 26:19; Marcos 14:18.
   b.     Lucas 22:15.

7D.    a.     Lucas 24:41.
   b.     Juan 21:12.
   c.     Hechos 1:4; 10:41.
   d.     Hechos 26:6-11.
   e.     Apocalipsis 3:20.
   f.     Apocalipsis 19:7-9.




1. El matrimonio es un contrato legal

que satisface a la ley para unir a una pareja legalmente,

significando el compromiso de ambos esposos.

Satisface al anhelo de Preservación y tiene el un aspecto de


Pr. 19:14; Os. 2:16-23.


2. El matrimonio es un estilo de vida que necesita comunicación

para que la esposa y la familia estén ampliamente cubiertos.

Aspecto: Práctico.    
Anhelo de:  Expresión.    Pr. 19:14;
Os. 2:16-23


3. El matrimonio es la sumisión de la voluntad de uno hacia

el otro y el llevar a cabo los votos matrimoniales que se han

hecho para beneficio mutuo.     

Aspecto: Posicional.    
Anhelo: Seguridad.


Pr. 19:14;
Os. 2:16-23
Sal. 45:11


4. Matrimonio es una unión de amor en la cual cada persona

se da a sí misma a la otra.     

Aspecto: Personal.    

Anhelo de Lealtad.    



Pr. 19:14
Os. 2:16-23


. El matrimonio es un:
     a. Dejar.
     b. Vivir.
     c. Amar    

Aspecto: Plan.    

Anhelo de Poder.  



Pr. 19:14
Os. 2:16-23
Sal. 45:10

6. Conocimiento mutuo:
a.    Quiénes somos.    
     Persona.      Espíritu.
b.    Lo que tenemos.    
     Posesiones.  Alma.
c.    Lo que hacemos.    
     Proyectos.       Cuerpo.    


Aspecto: Pontificial.

Anhelo de Conocimiento.  



 Pr. 19:14
Os. 2:16-23

7. Matrimonio es seguir el patrón divino del esposo y

la esposa celestiales, expresando la personalidad del Señor.  

Aspecto:  Profético.    

Anhelo: Atención    




Sal. 45:10
Os. 2:16-23


Estos Siete puntos forman el Aspecto Perfecto del matrimonio.
El matrimonio es la unión de dos personas. Sin embargo, esto despierta otra pregunta: ¿Exactamente de qué está compuesta una persona? Estas definiciones del matrimonio reflejan el mecanismo de espíritu, alma y cuerpo, como sigue:
1.     Existencia legal.
2.    Los cinco sentidos de cada área.
3.     Las cuatro leyes.
4.    Los siete anhelos del alma.
5.    Voluntad, intelecto y emociones.
6.    Naturaleza, carácter e influencia.
7.    Los cuatro temperamentos o tipos de personalidad.

. Existencia legal: Dios tiene cada nombre escrito en el Libro de los vivientes, pero solamente los que han nacido de nuevo están en el Libro de la Vida. Antes que se construya un edificio, se debe tener un permiso legal para hacerlo. La ley de Dios debía ser satisfecha y la sangre de Cristo debía ser la garantía, para convertirnos en creyentes. Aun cuando Pablo escribió a los gálatas que ellos todavía eran niños, en el mismo capítulo declaró que serían hijos maduros plenos.

¿Cómo puede ser esto? En Gálatas 4:5 el apóstol usa la frase  “adopción de hijos” (hijos, hijos maduros). Esto es cómo Dios los vio legalmente en su registro en el cielo. Pues el Señor los miró en Cristo cuya vida les hizo bien. JesuCristo está en el cielo como nuestro representante delante del Padre para garantizar nuestra entrada. Esto es por qué nos identificamos posicionalmente “en Cristo”. (Esto no se debe confundir con el significado de “estar en Cristo” en Juan 15, donde esto es condicional, tocante a nuestra permanencia. Esto está en contraste con I Corintios 1:30, donde el Padre nos ha puesto en el Hijo en el libro registrado en el cielo. “Todo lo que Dios hace, esto será perpetuo”. Ec. 3:14).

Encontramos que para que nosotros tengamos una base legal, la ley tendría que guardarse en cada detalle (esto sería imposible cumplirla en nosotros, Ro.3:20). También, la sangre divina tenía que derramarse a nuestro favor. Pues era para nuestra salvación. Ahora volvamos al tema en cuestión del matrimonio.


La primera definición del matrimonio establece la base legal de la unión.

Cada uno de estos cuadros refleja un aspecto diferente del espíritu, alma y cuerpo, sin cada uno de estos, una persona está incompleta. Veamos todo esto en los cuadros de la fiesta de bodas.
Si algunos de estos cuadros al principio no parecen describir la fiesta de matrimonio apropiadamente, cuando Dios nos los muestre desde su perspectiva, entonces, los veremos con mayor claridad. Por ejemplo, está la historia de María, Marta y Lázaro, cuando tuvieron una fiesta con Jesús después de que Lázaro resucitó. Este cuadro por sí mismo podría parecer un tipo válido de la fiesta de matrimonio.


Sin embargo, cuando Judas comienza a quejarse, nuestra antena espiritual lo capta. Ciertamente, sabemos que Judas no estará en la fiesta de matrimonio del Cordero. Así que, ¿Cómo este cuadro sería válido? En este ejemplo, Judas figuraría la falsa iglesia que se vendería al anticristo para hacer guerra a los santos .


A los ojos de Dios, quien llena el universo y está en el cielo, también está al tanto de los desarrollos concurrentes en la tierra. No es ajeno a las necesidades terrenales. Incluso ahora, su visión no está limitada solo a los santos que están en el cielo sino también a los que estamos aquí.

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