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The voice of the blood

LIFE is perhaps the greatest mystery of God and fills the earth with its varied forms of insects, animals, vegetables and also human bodies. For years the great medical profession searched for where life was found in the human body and, finally, discovered that it is found in the BLOOD.

God revealed this to man thirty centuries ago in the Bible in Leviticus 17:11, where it says: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood.” With this great mystery of LIFE, which has been expressed in so many ways, why would it be strange to find that the Word of God has a VOICE, crying out for the same BLOOD that protects it? The Bible reveals this phenomenon in Genesis 4:10 where God questions Cain, the first murderer on earth. “And he said to him, What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to me from the earth."

So, Cain, who had killed his brother in a crime that seemed to have left no clue, was brought to justice through the VOICE of his dead brother's BLOOD, as the VOICE cried out to Almighty God for justice and revenge. In this Genesis record, only two of Adam's children are mentioned during the first one hundred and thirty years, although Adam and Eve are considered to have been “fruitful and multiplied” according to what God had commanded them. In this period of time, nearly a million people could have been born on the land, as we see how Jacob's family became a nation during his stay in Egypt.


Therefore, the two sons of Adam mentioned are a “figure” of the two sons of God, just as Adam and Christ. Cain, the firstborn, is a figure of the first son of God on earth, Adam, just as Abel, the second son, is a figure of Jesus Christ, the second son of God the Father on earth. Adam, who was the head of the old sinful carnal creation, seems to live again in his son Cain, who had a righteousness of his own and was the head of the unbelieving and bloodless line through human history.
While Christ as the Head of the new sinless creation, obedient to the death of the cross, is prefigured in the life of Abel as the initiator of the line of faith and blood of humanity. Both Jesus and Abel were killed because they were righteous, both died for the truth at the hands of religious men. Cain's line was self-righteous and very religious but never spiritual.



We know that Adam should have taught his children about the great plan of redemption and that no sinner would be justified without the shedding of blood, also Adam remembered when he was in the garden of Eden how God sacrificed the innocent blood of some animals for them after that they had sinned, and how the Lord made them a covering of their skins. Adam shared it with Abel and he was obedient and desired to do the will of God, in addition, he recognized his guilt before God, due to his inherited sin. Abel knew that he was a sinner and needed a substitute, as his father had told him that the seed that would come from a woman would “bruise the head of the serpent.”

However Cain was indifferent regarding this, since he was respected by all men, without a doubt, a man with good morals and in his self-righteousness, he did not consider himself a sinner. If a man respects and honours his good moral life and his works of mercy and love, why would God not overlook his inherited sin in him? So the proud Cain, like millions of people of his line who followed him, rejected the blood offering ordered by the Lord and decided to reach heaven by their own works.
However, he wanted to be respected and something in him made him religious, in such a way that on the day that he and his brother brought their offerings to the Lord, Cain brought some of the fruit of the land, something that he had made by his own effort. , and once placed on the altar he thought that God would accept him. On the contrary, Abel did not have that selfish arrogant pride, he came with a humble and broken heart as he laid the dead lamb on the stone altar and bowed his head in humility in prayer, confessing his guilt before the Almighty God.

The fire of God fell, as it always does when we truly place our broken hearts on the altars with our sacrifices, as Abel realized he needed a Substitute. However, Cain's arrogant offering was not accepted because the fire did not fall on it and it soon rotted and produced a stench for those who passed by. So Cain's countenance fell and he became angry with God for rejecting his offering. The merciful Lord came down and gave the rebellious Cain a chance to repent and bring another sacrifice. “And without shedding of blood there is no remission.” Heh. 9:22.
God speaks to him and asks Cain why he is angry. Then God speaks to Cain and says “If you do (repent), will you not be exalted? (forgiven) and if you do not do well, sin is at the door.” Gen. 4:7.


The Lord shows Cain that it is sin that is at the door of his proud rebellious heart, also in his heart. Thus it happens in the heart that rejects Christ, the sin becomes more destructive, and a few days later while the brothers were arguing regarding their offerings, Cain killed his brother Abel, probably near the altar where Cain's unaccepted offering was. It was at that moment that the voice of Abel's shed blood cries out from the earth for vengeance and God appears again to Cain and asks him where Abel is. One sin leads to another, so Cain lies to God again and claims not to know where Abel is. Then, the first question of man in the Bible arises: “Am I my brother's keeper?” He would not accept the responsibility of being his brother's caretaker, but he had to answer for this before God. In the Bible it is not mentioned that Cain had repented, rather he hid from the presence of God, with the mark of the judgment of sin and eternal death upon him, we hear him cry out the words that humanity without Christ will say when they are thrown into the devil's hell. “My iniquity is too great to be forgiven.” Gen. 4:13. Cain is living today after six thousand years cursed and tormented in the great prison of God all for being selfish and stubborn to do things his way instead of God's way, the way to eternal life is simply to believe in the son of God Christ Jesus and in the merits of his shed blood. “For the wages of sin is death: but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Ro. 6:23.



When God came to die on the cross and was reconciled with man, we find that the voice of the blood, which had cried out for four thousand years for justice and vengeance, became full of mercy and now pleads for the lives of men. sinners and women.
In ancient days in Israel, there were six cities that were set apart as cities of refuge. A murderer could flee to one of those cities and be protected from the avenger. In those cities many sad people lived, protected from the cruel hand of justice and revenge but without forgiveness and unable to leave. Under the law of Israel, upon the death of the High Priest, these sin-cursed inhabitants were forgiven and set free, and how happily they returned to their homes. This was just one of the many types and shadows of the death-deliverance work of Israel's greatest High Priest, Jesus Christ.

He took that death to satisfy the law, and to free those who believe eternally from the guilt of sin. Since his resurrection, He, as our great High Priest, has been seated at the right hand of God the Father and wears his priestly vestment seen in Rev. 19:13: “And he was clothed in a garment dipped in blood.”


And for every believer caught in an old weakness, who cries out to the Lord for forgiveness, the voice of the blood cries out to the Father in His Name for mercy “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to forgive us.” cleanse from all evil.” “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.” I Jn. 1:7-9.

Therefore, the blood of Christ cries out for mercy, as the blood of Abel cried out for vengeance, and the apostle Paul, writing in Hebrews 12:24, sees this voice of the blood of Jesus, speaking of better things than the voice of the blood. of Abel.
Today, large religious groups emphasize their creeds rather than focusing on Christ, and their churches with baptized members are filled with unsaved people, and they are negligent of biblical truths such as the power of our Lord's shed blood. Millions of people are depending on their church members instead of working on the finished work of Christ for their salvation, and the voice of life that is in the blood is heard in not many modern pulpits.


However, the great apostle Paul emphasizes this theme in all his messages to the seven churches to which he wrote: To the saints in Ephesus, “In whom we have redemption through his blood, the remission of sins.” Eph. 1:7. To the Hebrews, “Therefore Jesus also, to sanctify the people by his own blood, suffered outside the gate.” Heh. 13:12. To the church in Colossae, “making peace (with God) by the blood of his cross.” Col. 1:20. To the churches in Rome, “Whom God hath proposed as a propitiation through faith in his blood.” Ro. 3:25. Then, as John closes the canon of Scripture in the book of Revelation, he writes, “And they have overcome him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” Rev. 12:11.



Dear reader, the VOICE of the BLOOD of Jesus Christ cries out from the cross for mercy, if you believe in Jesus Christ, his shed blood will be in your heart and not in your hands.
If you are not saved and even though you live a good moral life and are even a member of the church but have never been born again spiritually, if you do not repent and truly believe in Him as your Savior, trusting in the merits of His shed blood, then, you will be before the judgment of God, and the VOICE of the BLOOD of Jesus Christ that prays for you now, will confront you to accuse and condemn you and take you to eternal judgment. These are the days of sowing. What will you harvest?

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